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Many parents and health practitioners are concerned about the issue of suicide among young people. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth between the ages of 10 and 24, trailing only unintentional injuries. Compounding this is the stress, anxiety, and social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. One CDC study found that in 2021, 44% of high school students reported feeling persistently sad or hopeless during the past year.
Effective mental health and suicide prevention programs are essential for this generation of young people. At CSN, we have been helping community- and state-level practitioners better understand their data, needs, and opportunities around youth suicide prevention. In this podcast episode, Maria Katradis, a CSN training and technical assistance specialist, Child Safety Learning Collaborative Co-Manager, and suicide and self-harm prevention and poisoning prevention content specialist, and Bina Ali, a research scientist at the Pacific Institute for Evaluation and active Children's Safety Now Alliance member, discuss this child safety issue.