Firearm Safety: Preventing Death by Suicide

On average, over 3,000 children and adolescents ages 0 to 19 die each year in the U.S. from a firearm injury. In children and adolescents ages 10-19, approximately 4 in 10 of those deaths are by suicide. In CSN’s infographic, Firearm Safety: Preventing Death by Suicide you can learn more about how these rates differ by sex, race/ethnicity, and ways you can help keep children safe.

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Firearm Safety Suicide Prevention Infographic

FIREARM  SAFETY: Preventing Death by Suicide

  • Firearm suicides are the fourth leading cause of injury death for children ages (10-19).*
  • Approximately nine children and adolescents ages 10 to 19 die by firearm injury each day in the U.S., and about three of those deaths are suicide-related firearm injury.
  • Firearm injury suicide death rates increased by 6.3% per year on average between 2010 and 2019.**
  • More than a third (39%) firearm injury deaths are related to suicide in adolescents ages 10-19.
  • More than a third (39%) firearm injury deaths are related to suicide in adolescents ages 10-19.


American Indian/Alaska Native youth have the highest rates of deaths by suicide

Firearm Injury Rate by Race/Ethnicity Per 100,000 Children and Adolescents Ages 10-19
White 3.9
Black 2.0
Asian/Pacific Islander 1.4
American Indian/Alaskan Native 6.0
Hispanic 1.6


Males have a higher firearm suicide rate than females

Firearm Suicide Death Rate by Sex Per 100,000 Adolescents Ages 10-19
  Male Female
Ages 10-19 Years 4.9 0.8


For Families: Store firearms safely, use gun safes or gun locks, and store bullets separately

For Clinicians: Screen caregivers of youth for the presence of a firearm in the home and educate them around firearm  safety

For Schools and Communities: Provide social and emotional learning and behavioral skills training to youth to reduce violence and prevent harmful use of firearms



*All data from CDC WISQARS, 2016-2019 unless noted.

** Joinpoint regression analysis (on data from CDC WISQARS, 2010-2019) provided annual percent change for the time points in which firearm injury trends significantly changed.