This page displays all Children’s Safety Network’s (CSN) archived webinars. You may view the archived recordings or PowerPoint presentations as PDFs. For information or to register for upcoming events and webinars, see our Events.
This session will clearly illustrate the nature, extent and underlying attitudes/beliefs related to intentional medicine misuse and abuse behavior within the general population. It will identify proactive steps, resources and tools to effectively address the issue. Participants will understand the…
This webinar in the series of South to Southwest Region Injury Control Network presentations was a partner highlight call focused on the injury prevention work of the Arkansas Department of Health. An overview of their mission and concrete examples from the field were presented by the…
Description: Over the past 15 years the use and abuse of prescription drugs in adults has increased several fold: estimates of this rise based on treatment admissions were as high as 400% from 1998-2008. Since most substance addictions start between ages 18 and 25, young adults are at exceptional…
Join the South to Southwest Network for the next webinar in their series on Innovations in Policy and Practice for Injury and Violence Prevention. Ignition interlock policies as a deterrent to DWI are a popular policy option in many states. However, the various aspects of these policies can make a…
This webinar in the series of South to Southwest Region Injury Control Network presentations focused on injury prevention policy and explored different approaches to studying and evaluating injury prevention policy. Basic principles and concrete examples were presented by Carol W. Runyan, M.P.H, Ph…
In this final webinar of the Children’s Safety Network’s (CSN) youth suicide prevention Community of Practice, Micki Savelkoul, Suicide Prevention Program Director in North Dakota, will talk about the changing suicide prevention landscape in that state, including moving from federally-funded to…
The fourth webinar of CSN’s Community of Practice on integrating infant/child injury prevention into programs and services for expectant parents was held on Wednesday, January 30th). The webinar focused on best practices in educating expectant parents on safe sleep and Sudden Unexpected Infant…
The second session of the webinar series “Advancing Injury Prevention through Policy” focused on state youth concussion laws. "Implementation of State Youth Concussion Laws: Perspectives from the Frontlines” first provided an update on which states have passed youth concussion laws, as well as…
In this final webinar of the Children’s Safety Network’s (CSN) youth suicide prevention Community of Practice, Micki Savelkoul, Suicide Prevention Program Director in North Dakota, will talk about the changing suicide prevention landscape in that state, including moving from federally-funded to…
This presentation showcased two University-based efforts designed to prevent the misuse and abuse of prescription stimulants (e.g., Adderall and Ritalin) - The Ohio State social norms campaign and the University of Texas at Austin's evidence-based, health communications campaign. It reviewed…
The third webinar of the Children’s Safety Network’s Community of Practice on integrating infant and child injury prevention into programs and services for expectant parents takes an in-depth look at both fatal and non-fatal injury data for infants and children ages 0 through 4. George Bahouth,…
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): The number of U.S. babies born addicted to the class of drugs that includes prescription painkillers has nearly tripled in the past decade. These babies experience longer, often medically complex and costly initial hospitalizations. In 2009, the estimated cost…
The link between bullying and suicide has garnered significant media attention recently. This presentation by Dr. Melissa K. Holt will provide participants with an understanding of whether research supports messages conveyed by the media, and offer insight into which youth involved in bullying…
The goals for this first session of the Expectant Parent Community of Practice were to share innovative, evidence-informed strategies for addressing a broad range of childhood injury issues relevant to pregnancy and early infancy, and develop feasible, replicable and scalable state-level models for…
Case Study of the landmark Public Health and Safety Achievements of the 2009 Arkansas Legislative Session: This presentation details a fully researched and documented study of the 2009 Arkansas Legislative session and the pieces of legislation passed to support landmark public health and safety…
For the seventh meeting of the Youth Suicide Prevention Community of Practice (CoP), guest speakers presented on the emerging research issue of adolescent brain development and possible implications for suicide prevention. Description: In this webinar, Dr. Lisa Pan presented on the…
This webinar, hosted by EDC and sponsored by the Public Health Leadership for Child Maltreatment Prevention Initiative, is the final webinar in a three part series highlighting strategies and tools for state public health departments to address child maltreatment prevention. State health…
The South to Southwest Injury Prevention network continues its series of webinars on injury prevention policy with a look at child passenger safety. Strong and effective child passenger safety laws are a key part of keeping our kids safe on the road. Georgia has a long history of success thanks to…
CSN's webinar "Implementing Bullying Prevention in Schools: Boston's Story" features Ed Donnelly, Senior Technical Assistance Specialist at Education Development Center, Inc. He is an educator, administrator, and a leader in the field of bullying prevention. He taught special education for…
States are implementing a number of legal and policy initiatives to address the prescription drug overdose epidemic, now the second leading cause of injury death nationwide. This webinar focuses on the range of policy initiatives to reduce prescription opioid medication abuse and the experiences of…