The injury and violence prevention systems toolkit is a compilation of resources aimed at state and jurisdiction public health practitioners and organizational leaders and managers committed to reducing injuries and violence through systems thinking and quality improvement. The toolkit is organized into six sections: 1) An introduction to systems thinking, 2) Establishing commitment to injury and violence prevention and quality improvement, 3) Recognizing leverage points in injury and violence prevention systems, 4) Defining and mapping your injury and violence prevention system, 5) Addressing complexity in injury and violence prevention systems, and 6) Improving your injury and violence prevention system. Sections 1 and 2 provide background information on the value of a systems approach to injury and violence prevention and the importance of establishing commitment to systems thinking. Sections 3 and 4 provide frameworks to help you recognize leverage points in injury and violence prevention systems and define your own system. Sections 5 and 6 introduce methods and tools for system improvement. The toolkit was developed by the Children’s Safety Network and reviewed by the National Coordinated Child Safety Initiative Steering Committee.