Title V agencies working in injury and violence prevention and child safety address a broad range of injury topics across many populations. Partnering with national level public health agencies, organizations, and networks can play an important role in increasing the reach and impact of child safety programs. Benefits may include:
- Improved ability to reach underserved populations, address social determinants of health, and reduce health inequities
- Training and technical assistance (T/TA) on key areas, such as workforce development, systems improvement, evidence-based practices, using data to drive decision-making, and program evaluation
- Sharing of information, data, and resources
- Access to new funding opportunities
This resource guide, produced in collaboration with the Children's Safety Now Alliance, provides Title V agencies with information on nationally focused public health organizations that work to advance child safety. The guide presents a brief description of each agency or organization, followed by topic areas and activities related to child safety that may provide opportunities for collaboration.
Download a PDF of the resource guide