Thank you for joining us for our State Technical Assistance Webinar (STAW) on September 15, 2022 from 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET. In honor of Suicide Prevention month, we discussed cultural approaches to child and adolescent suicide prevention and postvention.
Our presenters were:
Dr. Obari Cartman is a father, son, brother, uncle, thinker, writer, therapist, photographer, drummer, and grassroots mental health advocate. Dr. Cartman has served as a professor of psychology at Georgia State University and the Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies at Northeastern University. He wrote a critically acclaimed book for young Black men about manhood and relationships which was recently expanded into a hip-hop based cultural identity rites of passage curriculum called MANifest that is being implemented in juvenile detention centers, schools and in private community settings. Dr. Cartman is the current President of the Chicago Association of Black Psychologists. He works locally doing program evaluation and other community psychology services with H.E.L.P., LLC (Healing, Empowering and Learning Professionals). He works nationally as a training consultant with National CARES Mentoring organization. Dr. Cartman is currently completing his second book, about Black Spirituality, which will be released this year.
Sadé Heart of the Hawk Ali is a behavioral health expert with expertise in trauma-informed care, resilience, culturally responsive recovery services, suicide prevention, and addressing the needs of Indigenous communities at the Education Development Center. She brings decades of experience as a lecturer, trainer, clinical supervisor, and program leader. Ali is tribal lead and senior project associate for EDC’s Zero Suicide Institute. Recently, she developed and published Best and Promising Practices for the Implementation of Zero Suicide in Indian Country, a toolkit that indigenizes the Zero Suicide framework. Previously, Ali was the deputy commissioner of Philadelphia’s Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services. She is the recipient of the 2020 Native Public Health Innovation Award from the National Indian Health Board and serves on the board of directors of SAIGE (Society of American Indian Government Employees). Ali is a Mi’kmaq First Nation from the Sturgeon Clan and the Founding Elder and Medicine Keeper of the New England States Two Spirits. She holds an MA in Clinical Psychology and a BA in Counseling Psychology from Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont.