Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) is the leading cause of injury fatality for those under age one. This webinar shares examples of a national framework and a state campaign to prevent sleep-related infant deaths. The webinar will begin with information about the National Action Plan to Increase Safe Infant Sleep, a theory-based approach to changing the behaviors of families and other caregivers to implement safe sleep and breastfeeding. The plan, which can inform public health initiatives and provide a way to track and share successes on a national level, was developed by the National Action Partnership to Promote Safe Sleep, a coalition of over 60 national organizations, including SUID/SIDS-focused organizations and initiatives, breastfeeding support organizations, national membership and advocacy organizations for advancing public health initiatives, MCHB program representatives, early childhood care organizations, maternal and child education and wellness organizations, health care provider organizations, media, and businesses, as well as the Children's Safety Network. Webinar participants will also learn about innovative safe sleep activities that have been implemented in Tennessee in collaboration with hospitals, community-based agencies, and first responders, and they will hear about the evaluation results of those activities.