Recording for 8.23.23 CSLC Application Informational Webinar (option 2)
Recording for 9.14.23 CSLC Application Informational Webinar (option 3)
Access Archived Webinar Slides
Children's Safety Network (CSN) hosted three optional webinars that provided information about applying for the first cohort of the 2023 Child Safety Learning Collaborative (CSLC).
This fall, the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), in cooperation with CSN, is launching the first cohort of the CSLC for state and jurisdiction Title V agencies. The CSLC is a unique opportunity to join a national network of peers addressing high priority child safety and injury prevention issues. Participating states and jurisdictions receive targeted support and guidance on evidence-based and evidence-informed strategies, how to use quality improvement tools and approaches and the opportunity to share resources, ideas and innovations with peers.
Applications for Cohort 1 (December 2023-May 2025) became available on August 1 and will close on September 27.
We hope you’ll consider joining our next cohort! Archived recordings will be posted on the CSN website. Please contact CSLC Director, Jenny Stern-Carusone (jstern-carusone@edc.org) with any questions.