The Title V Federal Block Grant was established in 1935 to create Federal/State partnerships to address health service needs of mothers, infants and children. This grant is funded by the Health Resources Service Administration Maternal and Child Health Bureau and provides funding to public health departments in all 50 states. According to HRSA, in 2023, this block grant supported services to an estimated 59 million people nationwide, including 94% of all pregnant women, 98% of infants and 59% of children, including those with special health care needs.
Title V agencies working in injury and violence prevention must address a broad range of topics across many populations and often face a myriad of challenges to accomplish this work, including sufficient funding and workforce capacity. The ability to effectively partner with other federally funded organizations and programs is essential for Title V agencies accomplishing their goals. In this webinar, Title V and Injury & Violence Prevention leaders will discuss their strategies, insights, and lessons learned by navigating these partnerships.
This event is led by the Children’s Safety Now Alliance (CSN-A), consisting of leaders and experts representing national organizations, federal agencies, state health departments, hospitals, and universities who help lead the Children’s Safety Network’s (CSN) efforts to reduce fatal and serious injuries among infants, children and adolescents.
Terry Love, MS, Injury Prevention Director at the Tennessee Department of Health. Terry is a community leader with over 25 years in community-based prevention. He has worked in multiple settings to develop leaders and motivate stakeholders to facilitate population level change in school, community, and statewide settings. Using data, evidence-based methods, and policy, he has assisted communities with identifying and mitigating the root causes of behavioral health problems and implementing population level change strategies. He enjoys the process of influencing change and is eager to share his knowledge with others. Terry works as the Injury Prevention Director for the Tennessee Department of Health with a goal of reducing multiple injuries and issues, including but not limited to motor vehicle crashes, sports injury, traumatic brain injury, suicide, and Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs). He is also a member of the national Sate States Alliance Executive Board, where he serves on the Safe States Alliance Special Interest Group and Safe States Policy Committee. He is also active in the Southeastern and Southwestern Regional Injury Prevention Network and other Tennessee multi-sectoral injury prevention coalitions. Terry enjoys exploring Tennessee with his wife Tammy and daughter Anna Marie.
Rebecca Majdoch, Project Director, Data to Action Team Lead, LA Department of Health and CSN-A member
Jennifer Miller, DrPH, State Maternal and Child Health/Title V Director at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. In this role, Dr. Miller directs the Title V block grant investments across the state and is responsible for drafting and implementing the five-year state action plan. Additionally, she serves on the Kansas Maternal Mortality Review, Kansas Perinatal Quality Collaborative, and Kanas Maternal Health Taskforce. She is also involved with the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs Legislative Affairs and Policy Committee and the American Public Health Association. Jennifer holds a Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) from the School of Public Health at the University of North Texas Health Science Center (2017). Dr. Miller earned her Master of Art in Sociology from Kansas State University (2010), Manhattan, Kansas and her Bachelor of Science in Sociology from Oklahoma State University (2007), Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Peg Ogea-Ginsburg, Injury Prevention Program Manager, Nebraska Department of Public Health and Human Services and CSN-A member. Peg has over 35 years of experience in Public Health. She has held her role as IVP Program Manager for the past 20+ years and in that role oversees the CDC Core SIPP grant, the OD2A for States Grant, and the Rape Prevention and Education grant. She is also a Child Passenger Safety Technician Instructor. She remains active in the Safe States Alliance, and has served on the Executive Committee as Secretary, Member-at-Large, Vice-President, and President. Peg holds B.S. and M.A. degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Jennifer B. Leonardo, PhD, LCSW, Director of the Children’s Safety Network and Interim Director of the Children’s Safety Now Alliance. Dr. Leonardo is a nationally known expert in public health and injury and violence prevention, has extensive experience in quality improvement, health and social work program development, quantitative and qualitative research methods, and capacity building. Her expertise includes trauma-informed care, intimate partner violence prevention and treatment, and suicide and self-harm prevention.